2020 Mid-Year Review

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a wave of challenges to our personal lives, our economy, and our collective mental health.
Even if your family has not been personally impacted by this pandemic, the ripple effects for our state and nation impact all of us.
For No More Stolen Childhoods, like many nonprofits, the immediate response to the pandemic and subsequent shut down was, “Now we must adapt.”
How can we quickly move our programs to a digital format without losing that personal connection?
How can we adapt our message to the needs parents have now that their kids are learning from home?
How can we work with our partners to ensure that the mental health needs of survivors can be met remotely?
We Not Only Found Ways To Adapt, We Found Ways To Grow
With creative thinking, dedicated staff, and a fully engaged team of volunteers, we not only found ways to adapt, we found ways to grow.
We know that 2020 is still impacting people’s lives and that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. However, it’s also important to take a moment and step back, see what’s working, and share that with our supporters, donors, and advocates.
According To Recent Reports…
The fears of many during the first half of the year were warranted. Reports of suspected child abuse are down across the country; here in Maryland the drop in reports was 25%. Why are reports down? Because kids don’t have access to the trusted adults who often report suspicions of abuse, such as educators and community professionals.
During the same time period, reports of online abuse have been ticking upwards at a rapid rate. Why are these reports increasing? Because kids are spending more time online for learning, socializing, and entertainment.
Will You Join Us?
This report gives you a snapshot of our efforts from January – June 2020.
We still have work to do, and we need your help.
Awareness Building
NMSC launched an ambitious Child Abuse Prevention Month campaign in April 2020 that included new programming as well as participation in a virtual Town Hall Meeting hosted by WMAR TV.
Our website continues to be a source of information, resources and next steps for individuals, parents, and survivors to engage:
unique visitors
up 51% from last year
page views
up 45% from last year
organic search sessions
up 102% from last year
Are you connected with us socially?
Find us on Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter!
Social media is part of our lives and how we seek information, learn about issues that impact us, and connect with others.
Prevention Training
NMSC understands that child sexual abuse is a public health epidemic and requires an approach that includes prevention, intervention, and healing.
Launched a NEW webinar series that impacted 116 people in one month.
- Keeping Your Kids Safe Online
- Keeping Your Tweens & Teens Safe Online
Launched a NEW webinar series that impacted 12 attendees.
- Protecting Children During A Crisis
Supporting Adult Survivors
NMSC believes that adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse need ongoing support as they heal from the abuse they experienced.
Counseling grants provide financial support to help remove the barrier to accessing professional mental health services.
- 14 grants awarded
- Serving residents of Howard, Anne Arundel, Montgomery, Baltimore and Prince George’s Counties
- Waiting list established as demand exceeds current resources
Grants Awarded