What is Digital Citizenship?
Being online is an essential part of many people’s lives. More than simply being an activity for fun, being online is part of how we work, learn, and connect. Similar to the ways in which we teach values to kids about their offline interactions with the world around them, we need to teach kids how to use the Internet responsibly, whether they are using it for school, play, or communication with friends. Helping our kids recognize that our time online is connected to our daily lives is an important part of the concept of digital citizenship.
Digital Citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology while recognizing we use the Internet to engage with society at every level.
Nurturing good digital citizenship involves teaching children how the Internet works; the ways that information is transmitted, how personal information is stored and used, the consequences of online behavior such cyberbullying, limitations to privacy, and how to respond to concerning content or behavior.
Good digital citizenship helps to highlight the best that the Internet has to offer and emphasizes the ways people can connect, learn, and support each other.
For more about the healthy integration of online and daily life, you can check out The Center for Humane Technology’s Digital Well-Being Guidelines for Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic.