Profile: Pam Gillen
In her daily work as a sexual assault forensic examiner (SAFE) at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center, board member Pam Gillen encounters individuals in some of the most vulnerable moments in their lives. Pam is tasked with providing medical care to sexual assault victims, which sometimes includes collecting forensic evidence in the event that the individual wants to pursue a legal case against their attacker.
But more than evidence that can be used in court, Pam knows that the most important part of her job is being there for those individuals in the wake of their trauma and helping them feel safe and empowering them to take the first step of control over both their bodies and their lives.
Though work like this is something that Pam has always been passionate about, she has taken a long and winding road to get here. With a masters degree in Parent and Child Nursing, Pam has spent some time as a research assistant to a children’s neurologist at Kennedy Krieger, a research coordinator, and of course, a full-time nurse.
Pam also spent time as a full-time nurse to care more fully for her child with autism, who is one of her main inspirations in the work that she does. Pam recognizes that philosophically, there are vulnerable populations who are more vulnerable to certain traumas like sexual assault and sexual abuse, and it is in part because of this that she chose to join the No More Stolen Childhoods board.
Pam is an Owings Mills local and was first introduced to No More Stolen Childhoods by its current board president, Michael Fitz-Patrick. In addition to being curious about the work that the organization does, Pam knew that her professional and personal passions for both children and their safety would aid in furthering NMSC’s mission.
Even though most people’s professional work does not directly align with putting a stop to childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault, Pam believes that even the simplest of things can go a long way. Pam puts great importance on having conversations with kids about consent and always telling children to do the right thing, whether this is in the way that they treat others or in telling someone right away if they believe something bad has happened.
“There are people who need our help and need a hand, and I can [give them both],” she says. No More Stolen Childhoods is honored to have Pam Gillen join its team and value the professional lens she has to offer in putting an end to childhood sexual abuse.